Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Twenty Three Weeks of Baking Deliciousness.

Mi Tesorito:

I have no words for how wonderful it is to feel you wiggling around inside my belly! People started asking me around four weeks if I could feel you kicking yet, which I couldn't, so I was beginning to get worried. But you have been growing perfectly and according to our doctor, are absolutely PERFECT! (his words- not mine :p )

I can't wait to see you! I wonder if you'll look more like your mama or papa... Abuela Noemi is convinced you'll resemble me personality-wise... we'll just have to wait and see! Until then, we'll keep talking to you, singing to you and playing our favorite Frank Sinatra tunes for you to dance along to! :)

You are loved more than you know little baby.

You have been our treasure since Day One!


Your mama